PSL's Tech Dream Team: Announcing Our New Technology Advisory Board

We are thrilled to announce the addition of nine new members to the broader PSL team with the launch of our brand new PSL Technical Advisory Board (the “TAB”), chaired by University of Washington computer science professor Ed Lazowska.

We have assembled a dream team of the world's preeminent tech visionaries, AI researchers, builders, operators, and innovators to help PSL continue to supercharge next-gen innovation in the Pacific Northwest startup ecosystem.

So what's the TAB all about? Think of it as a powerful extension of PSL as we explore, discover, invest, build, and support the next big things in technology innovation. PSL TAB members lend their expertise to the PSL core team, portfolio company management teams, entrepreneurs-in residence, and the broader PSL community.

These days, with leaps in AI and technology innovation happening almost daily, the TAB will help ensure that founders and the PSL core team stay several steps ahead. Through regular dinners, meetups, connections, and special events, we are excited to work closely with and welcome this new group.

Journalists regularly ask us the question, “Does and will Big Tech own the most interesting new technology innovation, especially when it comes to AI?” It's powerful to see this group of the world's leading researchers, seasoned entrepreneurs, and "Big Tech" AI leadership betting with their feet on the next generation of Pacific Northwest startups' ability to create new tidal waves of AI-led innovation.

The group has already jumped in to help the PSL team with due diligence on a couple of new investment opportunities and to support a few PSL portfolio companies to boot. The PSL partners and founder community are all so honored to have these amazing leaders as extended members of the PSL team.

The new PSL Technical Advisory Board includes:

Name Position
Ed Lazowska, PSL TAB Chair Professor, and Bill & Melinda Gates Chair Emeritus, UW Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Yejin Choi UW Wissner-Slivka Chair of Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering and Senior Research Director at AI2
Ali Farhadi CEO of AI2 (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence) and Professor UW Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
Lili Cheng CVP of Microsoft Cloud and AI, and Distinguished Engineer
Shwetak Patel Washington Research Foundation Entrepreneurship Endowed Professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Department of Engineering Electrical & Computer, and Head of Health Technologies at Google
Joe Beda Founder of Kubernetes, and Founder & Former CTO of Heptio (acquired by VMware)
Bharat Shah Former CVP of Microsoft Azure Cloud Security & Microsoft for Startups
Jesse Rothstein Co-founder, board director, and former CEO / CTO of ExtraHop
Diego Oppenheimer Partner at Factory and Founder & former CEO of Algorithmia (acquired by DataRobot)

We can't wait to see what amazing innovations will spring from this exceptional group and partnership, and we are grateful to call these nine superstars the newest members of the PSL team.